the recording club

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

JEMP scholarships!

The Recording Club is offering scholarships to participants.

Our goal is to have every member of The Recording Club have his or her own laptop computer, portable keyboard and software.

Some of you can afford this or all ready are scholarship recipients from last year.

Some of you may not be in a postition financially to afford this and for those people, the Jack Elliott Music Project is here to help. You don't have to be an electronic music major- heck, you don't even have to be in the music program but...

you do have to be in The Recording Club- and it is not too late to qualify for this year's scholarships.

For those of you who would like to find out more about the scholarship program and how to qualify- email me at or track me or Mr. B down at school and ask us how.

This year's version of The Recording Club

This year's version of our Wednesday after school program The Recording Club is slightly different.

This year The Recording Club has expanded so that Mr. Bruning's seventh period advanced electronic music class is also The Recording Club- except that those in the class get a grade.

Mr. B and I have been putting together a curriculum that incorporates elements of the afterschool program. Now this just means students have more options- students can take the class... or be in the afterschool program... or both... or neither.

Mr. B worked hard this summer to totally redo the electronic music lab- and with some donations for Apple Computer and M-Audio, we have outfitted 40 stations (which are networked) with the ability to use Logic 7 Pro, Reason, Live! and Sonar.


Here is a picture of Tom Rothrock and Lionel Brown alternately pose and ignore the camera.


Notes from Sep. 28- Oct. 4

Last week's (September 28, 2005) meeting of The Recording Club featured songwriter/Fox music president Robert Kraft. Robert is known to many for his many successes as an executive- where he has overseen about four trillion movies (I think the number he gave was actually 400+), but he is also a very respected writer of songs= and someone who knows what he is talking about.

Robert's assignment as teacher for this past Wednesday was to give his thoughts on song structure and he sat down at the piano and ran through a song he wrote on the spot- as well as demonsrating a Coldplay song he admires (click here to watch some of the video of Robert).

Along with Robert, and The Recording Club's usual friendly face Tom Rothrock, we also welcomed Donray Von. Donray is a music manager and has worked with Outkast, Cody Chesnutt and he has promised to be a regular around these here parts.

This week, The Recording Club is asking participants to start their own blog by going to

It is easy and it takes very little time and is the first step toward having all students able to have their own web presence.

So if you haven't all ready gone yet- go now- and we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!